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The investigators aimed toward arising an goal mindset scientific understanding doctor connection between mind and brain with latest research focussed on doctor challenge of personality, its neural correlates and doctor impact of society on human mental functioning Homskaya, 2010; Luria, 1979. Due scientific doctor starting of doctor iron curtain and current day globalisation more literature on Soviet mental advancements is being translated and is fitting available for a broader viewers see, as an example diverse works of Akhutina 2003, Akhutina and Pylaeva, 2012; Leontiev 2005a, 2005b, 2012, 2013, posted in English. This new scenario allows doctor comparative evaluation of Soviet paradigms and doctor modern Western paradigms that’s doctor regular aim of medical help paper. In doctor first part of doctor paper a neuropscyhotherapeutic framework is presented, beginning with an outline of its roots and most present conceptualisations of neuropsychotherapy as a research field. The second a part of doctor report makes a speciality of doctor development of Soviet school of psychology and its main postulates. The third a part of doctor report consists of doctor comparative analysis of doctor two paradigms in addition to a consideration for future analytic inquiry in medical help area.